(702) 566-2433
Our Services
The following Loving Hands of Nevada category of services include Medicaid and other benefits that you may receive.
Light Housekeeping
Mopping and washing floors
Cleaning bathrooms
Cleaning Kitchen
Washing/drying dishes
Laundry (washing, drying, folding)
Pick up prescription drugs, medical supplies
Essential shopping for groceries and other household items
specifically for health and maintenance.
Personal Attention
Compassionate listening
Book and Newspaper Reading
Just being there
Checking and organizing mail
Bill paying assistance (bringing/opening envelopes/reading)
Exercising, physical activity (walking, simple stretching, etc.)
Personal Care Includes Assistance With:
Bathing, showers
Teeth Brushing, oral hygiene
Hair washing
Grooming, shaving
Filing nails
Toileting, bedpan and incontinence care, changing colostomy bag
Dressing and undressing
Medication reminders
Meal preparation, including special diets, menu planning, storing, preparing and serving food
Assisting with feeding (if necessary) After meal clean up
Transfers, Mobility,
Mobility Assistance Wheelchair / Walker
Transfers from one stationary position to another, from chair to bed and similar
Transportation (Waiver signature required)
Escort to appointments (Waiver signature required)
Phone Call Assistance
Appointment Reminders
Respite Care
Providing needed breaks and rest to family or loved one acting as primary caregiver
All Household and Personal care as listed above
Providing support, information and counsel as needed
Safety Awareness
Fall prevention
Home safety supervision