(702) 566-2433
What professional credentials do I need?
How much work can you give me?
What kind of a commitment do I have to make?
Do I have to pay a fee to get a job?
Do I have to pay my own taxes?
Why do I need auto insurance to drive my client?
When and how much do I get paid?
How Do I Sign Up With Your Agency?
After you complete the required Application Form, you will get a call from us within 3 business days. If we both decide to move forward we'll discuss your objectives and set up an interview.
During your interview we will provide you with all other necessary paper-work.
Everyone is required to bring documents to their interview proving your eligibility to work in the United States. The most common forms of identification are your social security card and state issued identification card. We must see original identification documents - we cannot accept copies of your identification.
What professional credentials do I need?
Nevada has legal requirements for you to provide home healthcare services. Below is the list of their requirements, all of which must be current and issued within the State of Nevada. Paying for these requirements is your responsibility.
Personal Aide Certificate
Two-Step TB Skin Test
Because almost all applicants who don't have current credentials ask us where to get them we are including a suggested list of resources. Please feel free to use any resource you wish as you are never obligated to use our suggestions:
How Much Work Can You Give Me?
There is no definite answer to this question. First we look for the most compatible match with a client who is located in one of the cities you selected on your application and also needs care-giving on the days and hours you've designated as your availability.. The amount of work available also corresponds to your job performance. If clients have asked to replace you, or if you routinely turn down work offered, it will affect our confidence in continually offering work. There may be reasons for a less than average performance and we are always willing to return you to good standing when shown it's warranted.
What kind of commitment do I have to make?
Helping you achieve your objectives is a core part of our Mission. On our Application and during your initial interview, we ask you for your availability, the distance and cities you are willing to travel, positions you are willing to work in, and the agreed upon rate of pay. We contact you each time any opportunity meets your requirements.
The more you tell us about yourself and the more flexible you are, the more positions you may be eligible for. For your part, we expect that you will not work or seek to work directly with one of our clients without our knowledge.
Your only commitment is to be willing to work on the dates and times where you said you are available, at the locations you specified, the positions you said you were willing to work and the rate of pay we agreed upon.
Do I have to pay a fee to get a job?
Never. While some companies may charge fees there is never a fee for placement with Loving Hands of Nevada - even if you and your client agree to full time care .
Do I have to pay my own taxes?
Well yes and no. Taxes must be paid, but you are not responsible for getting the money to the IRS. You are employed by Loving Hands of Nevada and are not an independent contractor, therefore we take your taxes out of your paycheck. And because you are employed we also cover the cost of liability insurance - which covers you for instances where you might damage something in a client's home.
Why do I need auto insurance to drive my client?
Because it's your car and we cannot allow you to have your client in your vehicle if you don't have proper insurance. We also require your client to sign a waiver acknowledging his/her knowledge s/he is being driven in a private vehicle.
When and how much do I get paid?
You get paid every two weeks. Our starting pay for Personal Care Aides is based on experience. If you have no experience yet you will generally be started at $10 an hour. Raises are based on merit combined with time you've been working with us.